
Last Century's immigration policy no longer works for US

To continue the current immigration policy and save the Banking Institutions, the U.S. will need to create millions of jobs -- right away. Since there is a job deficit of some 13 million jobs this decade, perhaps we should re-think immigration policy.

The economic health of the nation is generally measured by the BLS Unemployment statistic.  The Unemployment statistic is not historically comprable due to methodology changes. My interest is in immigration policy, I need an immigration related statistic that trumps the low unemployment statistic. 


DHS CIS Circumvents Congress - Extends F-1 OPT

Tuesday April 8, DHS CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services) issued a Final Interim Rule to extend F-1 foreign student OPT time limits to 29 months without public comment and without Congressional review. Public comment was requested, after enactment, as a slap in the face. CIS has grown accustomed to re-writing immigration law without due process - last year an additional 20,000 H-1B visas were handed out in this manner.

Here is my comment in the Federal Register.

DHS CIS F-1 OPT Final Interim Rule (.pdf)

April 9, 2008

Dana Rothrock comments on:

8 CFR Part 214

DHS NO. ICEB-2008-0002

ICE NO. 2124-08 RIN 1653-AA56

AGENCY: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; DHS.

ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comments.

Mayor Bloomberg's weird logic

The headline on Huffington Post sounded promising: Bloomberg Rips Government Over Failing Economy. It started out well enough:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has unleashed another flurry of jabs on Washington, ridiculing the federal government's rebate checks as being "like giving a drink to an alcoholic" on Thursday, and said the presidential candidates are looking for easy solutions to complex economic problems.

Two Simple Proposals for Restoring Middle Class Market Power

The U.S. jobs market is broken. The causes of the breakdown are readily identifiable, and there are simple cures that would go a long way towards fixing them without undermining the general benefits of a free market. The Shared Economic Growth proposal (explained below and further at would be particularly helpful. As with antitrust enforcement, product safety regulation, and other facilitators of an efficient market, these steps would increase wealth for everyone, but particularly for middle class and working class people, helping our nation to deliver on the promise of the American dream. Further, like those other basic underpinnings of the success of the U.S. economy, they do not require “Big Government” interference, but rather just some simple common sense changes to address basic problems.

United States Universities Subsidizing The Competition

The below video exposes the University of Michigan recruiting and educating foreign nations in fields where companies are now laying off Americans. The video points out this is paid for by the US taxpayer, which begs the question, why is the US taxpayer subsidizing it's own economic destruction and why are our Universities, that we pay for, promoting this?

Further reading:

Are Our Universities Ours?
