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  • Thanks for this. I keep wondering where the crash is. We need to talk about the very obvious problem of using residential housing as poker chips in the great institional & foreign investor casino.

    Reply to: Real PCE Goods Computed from Retail Sales Implies a 68 Basis Point Boost to Q4 GDP   8 months 2 weeks ago
  • it's a nice article. I'm following your blog!

    Reply to: US oil supplies at a 36½ year low, SPR at a 39 year low; oil+products supplies at an 18½ year low   1 year 2 months ago
  • Thanks!

    Reply to: 4th Quarter GDP Grew at 2.9% Rate on Increased Inventories, Personal Services, and Government   1 year 6 months ago
  • That is very frightening and I doubt no reporters are on this.

    Reply to: US oil supplies at a 36½ year low, SPR at a 39 year low; oil+products supplies at an 18½ year low   1 year 9 months ago
  • for most of this year, our refinery oil consumption has exceeded our apparent supply of oil from all sources by an average of around a million barrels per day, resulting in a large "unaccounted for oil" entry on the US petroleum balance sheet, as i explain in my second paragraph here...while i allude to that problem with the data cynically, it suggests either that the EIA has suddenly lost the ability to keep track of our oil supplies, or that something else is going on...

    Reply to: US oil supplies at a 36½ year low, SPR at a 39 year low; oil+products supplies at an 18½ year low   1 year 10 months ago
  • I think oil is so tied to overall inflation and the CPI keeps gas prices separate when energy costs percolate through everything else.

    Reply to: US oil exports at a record high, oil supplies at a 18 year low, SPR at a 37 year low   2 years 1 month ago
  • Well, it's kinda obvious

    Reply to: Global oil production exceeded demand by 1,490,000 barrels per day in June   2 years 3 months ago
  • This is truly astounding that they didn't cut production originally. Denial!

    Reply to: March global oil surplus at 17.7 million barrels per day; 2nd qtr surplus to be at 6.2 million bpd despite OPEC-led cuts   4 years 6 months ago
  • There can be some who make 100K+ with no worry, but the more you make the more pressure you choose on.

    Reply to: OPEC report shows July's global oil output was two million barrels per day short of demand   4 years 8 months ago
  • Great Post! Measures and all of the points are very clearly explained. It's quite informative and interesting to read.

    Reply to: Donald Trump vs. Davos Man   4 years 8 months ago
  • Why does Mr. Gemma not mention what each of these groups did to merit being identified as hate groups?

    FRC and DJKM were both labeled for disseminating pseudoscience as proof that gay people are an unnatural abomination and collaborating to perpetuate conditions that made it acceptable to persecute them. Both groups lobbied for an anti-lgbt agenda. It also bears mentioning that federal magistrate judge recommended DJKM's libel suit be dismissed "with prejudice" because it was baseless.

    Joseph Farah promoted conspiracy theories including the Birther conspiracy about former U.S. President Obama, even claiming that his long form birth certificate was a forgery.

    Dinesh D’Souza wrote a book on how Leftists and liberals were Nazis, supported torture at Abu Ghraib, mocked victims of the Stoneman Douglas School shooting, and publicly opposed policies intended to ameliorate the pernicious effects of racism and poverty on people of color.

    Jeff Sessions has on numerous occasions been openly racist. He has spent his career supporting both in word and in policy the right to discriminate against LGBT people, and was instrumental in implementing the Trump Presidency's immigration policy.

    It's perfectly reasonable and even proper to criticize misuse of funds by SPLC. However, this article disingenuously characterizes these people as victims rather than people deserving the label they received, considering the harm they've done. Peter Gemma attempts to clumsily poison the well and obfuscate the misdeeds of these individuals and groups. The SPLC is a flawed organization which successfully identified people and organizations promoting hate against marginalized groups, based on substantial evidence verifiable by anyone who can manage a google search.

    Shame on you, Mr. Gemma.

    Reply to: The Cost of Left-Wing hate   5 years 1 month ago
  • I am going to say that really nice information had shared here which I really like. I will try to read more after my road trips from new york.

    Reply to: Studies show, Congress Favors the Rich   5 years 2 months ago
  • Why are you blaming the immigrants when it’s the rich Americans who are preying on them. In reality there is enough jobs for everyone but they are the ones offering half the pay and hiring people from Mexico, instead of the grad students who have 150 k debt. 6.5 interest in their loans while in school. Their rents are three times what their parents were, and so is their rent. And it’s the same rich Americans and these students parents who vote for presidents who abuse the starving students and graduates and treat them as a profit.

    Reply to: Employee Abuse Runs Rampant In America   5 years 3 months ago
  • While I have certainly experienced this is California, being a massage therapist working in physical therapy and chiropractic offices. They charge $150.00 plus for a massage and offer massage therapists 20$. People generally don’t tip because the are injured, on work comp, paying co pays for pt. And it should be covered by their insurance. However they will just hire people from Mexico who are desperate for the work. And while I see this as a problem, I don’t blame the immigrants. I blame the Americans who are abusing employees. It’s not he immigrants fault that places like Walmart will hire them to work at night mopping the floor illegally for 6.00 an hr, and als and support slave labor and sweat shops in other counties, where children are making 10 cents an hr. To make Walmart’s products. Why are we blaming the poor people from other countries when it’s rich white Americans, land owners, who are jacking up all the office rents, etc... and turning down experienced workers who are asking just for a decent wage to live the off of. Blame the rich cooperations. They are destroying America not the immigrants. Things are getting worse here every day, and these cooperations are preying on good people who aren’t poor, the system is broken.

    Reply to: Employee Abuse Runs Rampant In America   5 years 3 months ago
  • With soaring deficits, the economy should be growing like a bat out of hell. After all, we'll never be able to pay back a penny of the debt. The real question is how much debt is too much debt and why does it take so much debt to create the illusion of growth?

    Reply to: 3rd Quarter GDP Grew at a 3.4% Rate Because Inventories Grew at a 31.9% Rate   5 years 4 months ago
  • The labor participation rate peaked long before the Great Recession and has been declining for a very long time. Using U6 has never been done before....until now. Even Gallup used U6 as the "real unemployment rate" but only because there was a black man in the White House. U6 was used to make things look worse than they were. After Trump was elected Gallup and all our financial news organizations went back to using U3. There's a word for this. It's called "racism."

    Reply to: How Many Jobs Are Needed to Keep Up with Population Growth?   5 years 4 months ago
  • We have a crisis in this country - corporate layoffs. Or “economic genocide” is how I think of it. Year after year after year thousands if not millions of men and women get stripped of their livelihoods through no fault of their own. Their means of survival - putting food on their tables, clothes on their backs and roofs over their heads - taken with little or no warning. And where does that money go instead? It further lines the already overstuffed pockets of the fat cats at the top of the corporate hierarchy for whom no amount of millions is ever too much.

    This insanity has to stop!!!

    Reply to: Employee Abuse Runs Rampant In America   5 years 10 months ago
  • what, you mean the exceptional growth rate despite the big draw from inventories? i think it's because of the tariff announcements...everyone tried to ship as much as they could before the european and Chinese tariffs kicked in...thus we had a 15% jump in exports before inflation, boosting GDP, while inventories were emptied out, reducing that GDP boost...both are due to reverse in the coming quarters...

    Reply to: 2nd Quarter GDP Up 4.1% Despite Largest Inventory Contraction Since 2009   6 years 2 months ago
  • How is this all possible considering.

    Reply to: 2nd Quarter GDP Up 4.1% Despite Largest Inventory Contraction Since 2009   6 years 2 months ago
  • If the SPLC were honest they would put themselves on their hate list since they HATE white people.

    Reply to: The Cost of Left-Wing hate   6 years 4 months ago
