Shock of all shocks, the only ones who don't get U.S. trade policy is hurting American workers along with the economy are journalists & pundits.
"In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, more than half of those surveyed, 53%, said free-trade agreements have hurt the U.S. That is up from 46% three years ago and 32% in 1999.
Even Americans most likely to be winners from trade—upper-income, well-educated professionals, whose jobs are less likely to go overseas and whose industries are often buoyed by demand from international markets—are increasingly skeptical."
Evidence journalists are oblivious is the last paragraph. Why denial kicks in is beyond me. Don't they see the statistics and realize the jobs most targeted for offshore outsourcing are the advanced R&D, professional ones? I guess the entire occupational areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics don't count.
83% of blue-collar workers agreed that outsourcing of manufacturing to foreign countries with lower wages was a reason the U.S. economy was struggling and more people weren't being hired; no other factor was so often cited for current economic ills. Among professionals and managers, the sentiment was even stronger: 95% of them blamed outsourcing.
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