
Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization for June 2011

The Federal Reserve's Factory Production report shows a measly 0.2% increase for June 2011 Industrial Production, otherwise known as output for factories and mines. May was revised downward to -0.1%. Manufacturing industrial production flat lined with no change and Japan supply disruptions are to blame according to the Fed. Autos & Parts did drop -2.0% in June, yet generally the market and industry group monthly changes were a mixed bag.

Durable Goods New Orders Up 1.9% for Advance Report, May 2011

New Orders in Durable Goods increased +1.9% for May 2011. April was significantly revised to -2.7% from -3.6%.

Core capital goods new orders increased +1.6%, after declining -0.8% last month. Core capital goods is an investment gauge for the bet the private sector is placing on America's future economic growth.


Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization for May 2011

The Federal Reserve's Factory Production report shows a measly 0.1% increase for May 2011 Industrial Production, otherwise known as output for factories and mines. Manufacturing industrial production rose 0.4% yet had dropped -0.5% in April. Japan is still affecting autos and without them, which declined -0.5%, manufacturing would have increased +0.6%. April would have been only a -0.1% drop and they note the terrible tornadoes in the South affecting manufacturing.

Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization for April 2011

The Federal Reserve's Factory Production report shows a no change for April 2011 Industrial Production, or output for factories and mines. Manufacturing industrial production alone dropped 0.4% for April. Here is their detailed report. March was revised one percentage point lower to 0.7% and February had a 0.3% decrease in industrial production.
