The advance report on Durable Goods was released today.
New Orders increase 1.0%, almost half of new orders was defense. Transportation new orders were one-tenth of the increase.
Inventories took yet another slide, down 1.0% from last month.
This months driver is machinery new orders.
Look at the level. We are still pretty low. But it's positive. Right? - Financial Information for the Rest of Us. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.
even more dramatic
When you expand out the graph. I'm just showing the recession start.
It is positive and it looks like manufacturing once again is growing.
That's all very good news. Fairly unusual to hear good news of any sort from U.S. manufacturing generally. But my overall impression is that the economy might very well depend on the health of U.S. manufacturing, much more so since we have all of these popping bubbles.