Sunday Morning Comics - Pitchfork Redux Edition

Sponsored by Big Banks - We strive to inspire gallows humor every single day
Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!


The Word - Your Honor" alt="" width="525" />


Bank Bonuses


Cartoonist: Steve Sack


Colbert Platinum on Estate Tax


Cartoonist: Tom Toles


Colbert's Take on Move Your Money


Cartoonist: Pat Bagley



if you watch anything click on the Colbert video

This is a classic and it's like Colbert is reading EP on top of it. I'm not kidding you will roll off your seat on this one. (first clip).

I like the Colbert vid

But John Stewart's take on the congressional testimony was even better!